TestAccording to the World Health Organization, there are around 466 million people worldwide who suffer from disabling hearing loss. Hearing loss can highly affect one's daily life in workplaces, families, or socialization. Only loneliness and silence accompany them for their whole life......
This project will show you an application, SignChat, which translates sign language instantly. Sign language user can improve their quality of life by conveying their thoughts via the application. The application stimulates communication between deaf and hearing people, providing visible translate results to reduce misunderstanding.
Forcing deaf people to learn spoken language is tormenting. The team wishes to increase their equality, helping deaf people blend into society just using their decent language. It is hoped that SignChat can break the barriers between sign language and spoken language.
Break the barriers between people.
- The 6th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition The Seccond Runner Up, Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association,