Exciting Milestones in Digital Learning Innovation: Cathay x VTC Digital LearnX Co-Lab Programme Celebrates Success
7 June 2024
Industry Collaboration Programme
Innovation and Technology Co-creation Centre

The Cathay x VTC Digital LearnX Co-Lab Programme, an initiative aimed at igniting creativity among young talents in digital learning sector, has demonstrated remarkable outcomes. This collaborative effort engaged 25 VTC students from Design and IT disciplines, who teamed up with Cathay to transform the future of digital learning. Beginning with a kick-off ceremony at Cathay City last August, this ten-month collaboration resulted in the creation of FIVE innovative digital learning solutions. These solutions, which include immersive virtual tours and engaging learning games, span a broad range of operational areas such as airport services, inflight services, and cargo handling.

The success of these innovative projects was celebrated at a grand closing ceremony held on 7 June 2024 at the Innovation and Technology Co-creation Centre (ITCC) of VTC. The event was attended by esteemed VIP guests, such as Ms. Wendy KWOK, General Manager, Employee Experience of Cathay; Mr. Aldric CHAU, General Manager Digital of Cathay; and Ms. Eva NG, Head of Cathay Academy – Customer Experience. From VTC, attendees included Ms. Alaina SHUM, Deputy Executive Director; Ms. Winnie NGAN, Senior Assistant Executive Director; Ir Dr. John HUI, Principal of Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology; and Mr Geddy LEE, Director of ITCC.

The event commenced with a heartwarming welcome speech by Ms Alaina SHUM, representing VTC, followed by an enriching insights from Ms. Wendy KWOK of Cathay. A highlight of the event was the presentation of certificates and awards, acknowledging the students' dedication and innovation. Following the formal proceedings, guests were invited to enjoy the project showcase, where student teams demonstrated their groundbreaking digital learning solutions.

Building on this year's success, we are thrilled to announce the continuation of this fruitful collaboration with a second cohort in the upcoming academic year. This promises even more opportunities for students to engage with and contribute to industry. Join us in anticipating further innovative achievements as we continue to foster talent and creativity in the digital learning sphere!